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Butternut is a drag-and-drop integration tool that runs entirely in your browser.
We have a library of customizable, prebuilt components called Nodes that anyone can use to connect services, retrieve and transform data, and forward it where you'd like.

Why should you use Butternut ?#

The role of Butternut is to automate your processes, so you can concentrate on new tasks rather than repeating the same tasks again and again. If you're comfortable working with APIs and have an understanding of your business data, that's all you need to be successful here.
Think of Butternut as an extention of your product, save time and increase the velocity of your teams.

What can you do with Butternut ?#

Butternot works by linking together your favorite apps/services to create a workflow. The opportunities are truly endless!
We not only have direct support for the most popular apps and services, but thanks to the HTTP and JSON modules, we can easily connect to almost any web service, allowing you to virtually automate your entire world. All without writing a single line of code.
We are able to provide support to people in all areas, any manual and repetitive work with your business or internal processes can be automated.

Here are some example:

  • Build custom sales and marketing processes that can run on a schedule
  • Notify your team via Slack, email, text message based on important customer events
  • Automate your "Go to production", run tests and report errors to your team

To learn more about workflows, please read the "How to build a workflow" section.